Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Loudest Voice

I'm @NowWatching E7 of #TheLoudestVoice essential watching.

 Amazing acting by @russellcrowe

Can you believe these photos are of the same guy that was Maximus in Gladiator.

It's hard to know how much is fat suit and how much weight he put on but his acting of Roger Ailes is perfection and been a super interesting mini series, especially when juxtaposed against the upcoming Trump 2020 re-election.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Alone - arctic edition

This season of Alone is insane. I'm so in awe of the skills and stamina of this season is compared to previous years.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Proposed illegal cash laws in Australia

Absolutely ridiculous.


 Lets be clear im ridiculously strict when it comes to taxes and i've never smudge the line even a little bit, but this law saying you cant save in cash is DRACONIAN and anti-citizen.

 If i choose NOT to trust the government OR banks and choose NOT to keep my savings in a bank that i think may potentially fail and do a bad job.....then that is my right to do so.

 Thats does NOT make someone a criminal (irony is i dont have bundles of cash.......i just dont want the Aust govt to remove my right to do so).

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Nothing really matters......

This article sums up how im feeling this week perfectly.

Feeling the weight of entropy this week. To be honest....feel like chucking the whole thing in and going sailing.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Vegetarian butchers

Great article in todays NY Times. I think more people should have to butcher their own meals once in a while, would give them more of an appreciation of what it is that they are eating.

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Why all the hate against this ship??

Yes Amazon may not have paid income taxes on profits as they keep investing revenue into building the company even bigger but Bezos personally paid a ton of income taxes and his employees who have jobs did as well..

 I dont get why people are so upset at him being rich AND NOT i should go start a business myself and get rich as well.