Monday, August 31, 2009
EFF says Apple full of crap
I think it's time for me to make another donation to the EFF.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thingiverse is the embryonic beginning of the change of how supply and demand for physical items are met.
Think about it, once you get to be able to 'mold' on a molecular level, no longer does anything need to be delivered or shipped but just download the schematics or recipe then load it into your molecular molder and 'print item out'.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Time Travellers Wife
I haven't seen the movie yet but really really liked the book.
Considering I read it cover to cover in one sitting it's not a weighty read BUT it surprised me with how creative the concept was. When i first saw the movie ads on TV i thought i understood what the concept was but it's actually 10 times more creative (no i'm not giving it away).
It's probably somethng that makes more sense to read first then watch the movie but i'm guessing it will follow the plot very closely.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Making the best of a bad situation
Car hire in LA seemed to be expensive, even after shopping around it costs us $132 for a mid size for 1 day ($89 for car- the rest was for insurance).
It was great, drove up to Santa Monica for breakfast , then Malibu for lunch (via the legendary Mullholland Drive) then did a big loop up through the desert and Simi Valley (hi Nikki !!) and then back through Hollywood/Rodeo Drive etc before heading to the airport less than 10 hours later but with at least 300 miles on the odometer to check in for our flight.

Btw our car hire while in Sydney for a 1 year old corolla is $20 a day plus $5 insurance.
Qantas sux !!
Our trip from New York to Sydney has just been delayed 24 hours midway through.
Basically Qantas has dumped us in LA with no accomodation and no compensation because although we have confirmed seats on the LAX-Sydney portion of the trip they have a "weight issue".
Their only response was we have moved your LAX-Sydney portion of the trip to tomorrow at the same time (10.30pm saturday a full 24 hours later).
I have never been treated so rudely by flight staff.
Basically they are saying because we flew American Airlines from New York to LAX that they weren't obligated to put us up in accomodation or compensate us in anyway.
My argument was hang on a minute we booked and paid for this flight from New York to Sydney on the Qantas website - just because you chose to put us on an American Airlines code share doesn't mean that it becomes Americans responsibility you cant take us on the flight.
Their response was "here have a coupon for discount accomodation at Sheraton Fourpoints which will only cost you $75" (I went online after we checked in - the website rate was $109. Oh and btw what a flea bag joint - I cant believe Sheraton has such a shitty hotel in it's chain. The Sheraton Fourpoints hotel at LAX must be the worst hotel in LA. We slept on top of the bed worrying about what was 'between the sheets'. Hmmm polyester sheets, only the finest thread count for our guests).
I will never fly Qantas ever again and have cut up my Qantas frequent flyer card.
Wonder why people are flying Virgin from the USA to Australia how about....when you book a seat they actually get you to your destination as a start.
(oh btw the in seat entertainment only worked on 2 of the 4 legs - 50% fail rate.... hmmm i know nothings perfect but 16 hours between LAX-Syd with no movies overnight is ridiculous....btw read a good book worth checking out). # Qantas Sucks
Friday, August 21, 2009
GoGo internet
interesting how fast it is though....not fast enough to stream though...was going to try and chat on during the flight an although the website works great....the video breaks up.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Australian backwater
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I'm a Windows Mobile user and proud of it
I was reading this comment on facebook and thought it's worth posting here;

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Would Twitter Sue Bambi For Being Twitterpated?
Vincent i've never met you but thanks mate, put smile on my face after a long day.
Manual or Auto?
BUT if i use a little .Net application to do it "Then I'm breaking the Law and must - Cease and Desist"
Yeh i dont get it either.
Can someone tell me why exactly twitter built their API again?
If they dont want me to be able to do this, then why not just turn off the function at their API?
Mashable think I'm spammy
My response;
Hi Peter,
I'm the developer thats 'not being sued' according to you.
Not exactly sure what the difference between a "hand over your business, your domain and your software within 12 days" or we'll see you in court and "Being Sued" is but thats for another time.
Firstly, when i along with 300 other NY based developers were invited by Twitter to their "Dev-Nest" event here in New York 6 months ago one of the API functions they demonstrated is exactly what my code now does.
What exactly do you have an issue with about how I use the publicly defined API?
If Twitter doesn't want people to auto-follow then turn off that function on the API
If i wrote an application that tracked "URL's where Mashable are mention" - would this also be spammy?
Basically I'm just replicating what, and half a dozen other applications already offered, just I'm doing it from the desktop instead of the cloud.
Yes I concede I'll maybe have to change the domain and change the application icon but i'm not doing anything that you couldn't already do by going to yourself.
Are you suggesting they also going to stop people from following users who search function on the Twitter homepage?
You are more than welcome to call to get my side of the story (nice bit of journalism you reach our to Fenwick and West but not me)
Dean Collins
I'm being sued by Twitter!!
I received this email 30 minutes ago stating that Twitter is suing me??
Basically they feel that my application - does the following.
1/ That anyone using the API to auto follow people are breaching the TOS??
2/ That no one can use the word “Twitter” in their domain
3/ That somehow people might be confused my application is related to twitter even though every page is labeled
“Copyright 2009 © My Twitter Butler - Not related in anyway to Twitter Inc, if I owned Twitter would i be spending my time building this app??
Is this the end for Twitter 3rd party developers?
Have they forgotten that it was people like me who saw a need and built an application using the publicly defined Twitter API to add value to the Twitter ecosystem?
I have asked Twitters lawyers for a conference call tomorrow to clear up ‘WHY’ they feel anyone using the twitter API to auto follow people is an illegal act and will be looking forward to their answers about ‘WHY’ the twitter API was built in the first place if they want to sue people for using it.
Please tweet out this link -
Dean Collins
+1-212-203-4357 New York
+61-2-9016-5642 (Sydney in-dial).
+44-20-3129-6001 (London in-dial).
TEL 650.988.8500 FAX 650.938.5200 WWW.FENWICK.COM
August 11, 2009
Dean Collins
Re: Infringement of Twitter, Inc.'s Trademark Rights
Dear Mr. Collins:
DIRECT DIAL (650) 335·7656
This firm represents Twitter, Inc. ("Twitter"), owner of the TWITTER trademark and
the popular social networking and micro-blogging website at We are
contacting you regarding your violation of Twitter's Terms of Service ("TOS") and spam
rules, and your infringement of Twitter's trademark rights.
Twitter has recently become aware that you have registered and are using the domain, where you advertise and offer for sale the "My Twitter Butler"
software that facilitates aggressive and automatic following to Twitter users. On your website
you also claim to have used the same aggressive following techniques. This activity violates
Twitter's TOS and rules.
In addition to the above violations, you are also infringing on Twitter's trademark
rights by using the domain and the TWITTER trademark. As you are
likely aware, Twitter's extensive and widespread use of its TWITTER trademark provides
Twitter with strong and defensible rights in the mark, and has caused the mark to become
well-known, if not famous, in today's online marketplace. Twitter owns trademark
applications and registrations for its mark in the United States and numerous other countries
for use in connection with its online services, which will provide Twitter with exclusive rights
in the mark.
Twitter has expended significant time and financial resources to build up the
considerable customer recognition and goodwill related to its valuable TWITTER mark. In
addition, in order to protect its investment and valuable intellectual property rights in its
trademark, Twitter is required to prevent others from infringing or diluting the value of its
brand. In light of the importance and distinctiveness of the mark and the strength of Twitter's
legal rights to its valuable intellectual property, please be advised that Twitter is determined to
take whatever steps are necessary to protect its rights in the mark.
Having said that, at this time, we are willing to assume that you did not choose to
misuse Twitter's trademark with the conscious intent of infringing Twitter's rights or trading
off of Twitter's goodwill. Twitter is concerned, however, that your use of My Twitter Butler
and the related domain may cause confusion in the marketplace by suggesting that you and
your site are somehow affiliated with Twitter, or are endorsed, sponsored, or approved by
Twitter, which would result in an infringement of Twitter's valuable trademark rights.
In light of the above, we must demand that you immediately:
1. deactivate the website;
2. transfer the domain to Twitter;
3. comply with Twitter's TOS and rules, which includes stopping your aggressive
and automatic following and offering techniques and software for others to
aggressively or automatically follow; and
4. stop all use of the My Twitter Butler name, the TWITTER mark, or any other
name, logo, or domain name that includes TWITTER or any confusingly similar
Please respond to me no later than August 24, 2009, to confirm that you have
complied with these demands and to obtain domain transfer instructions. Twitter is hopeful
that this matter can be resolved quickly and amicably. If, however, you do not comply with
these requests, Twitter will be forced to consider suspending your Twitter accounts and take
such steps as it deems necessary to protect its intellectual property rights.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
site valuations?
The site is worth
I know a site is what it's worth but i'm wondering if I'm undervaluing our CPM prices?
Monday, August 10, 2009
PB internet joke

If you do get it - rofl, me too. LOL PB will never die.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Twitter DOS
> * I can't believe you lot don't realise that constantly demanding status
> updates, while certainly important to you, is little more than a
> distraction for those who are actually fighting the good fight.
>Dossy Shiobara | dossy@panoptic |
>I hear there's this popular service that makes it easy to send out short
>status updates ... what's it called again?
Ha ha funniest thing I've heard about this whole debacle.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Dogs and Trees

Friday, August 07, 2009
TV Guide snooping
Guess not.

Someones been talking!!
John Hughes RIP
Someone had put together this amazing montage
- and yes i did cry at the 3.30 mark with the "Dream Academy" sample (I uploaded it to the "Mood Music of the day" box in case you want to listen to it again).
lol of course they had to have that last scene at the very end.......
Also check out this article
I was heartbroken to hear that John Hughes passed away: Not only had Hughes shaped my generation in the 80s, but even today teens are rediscovering his films and identifying with them. It’s a bit too early to tell, but to me this hints that some of those films will without a doubt be seen as future classics in the years to come. And maybe that’s because there’s something for everyone to identify with in those films, the Breakfast Club is a great example of this which featured almost every teen archetype of the era. So without further ado here are ten reasons I admired John Hughes:
I think a Hughes fanfest is going to have to happen this weekend at my place.
P.S. just did a quick update - there are now 7 Hughes tracks in the Mood Music box.
In case you are in the buying mood
Pretty In Pink: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
The Breakfast Club: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Some Kind Of Wonderful: Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack
She's Having a Baby (Soundtrack)
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Immigration detention maths
when something caught my eye
Hutto, a 512-bed center run for profit by the Corrections Corporation of America under a $2.8 million-a-month federal contract
2,800,000 cost div by
512 beds
5,468 equals
So it's cost $5468 per detainee per month....... Holy crap.
I randomly stumbled across this website (lol not telling how I found it).
How cool a concept.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009 IPO
I saw this post by Shelly Palmer a few minutes ago about the IPO,
I'd been meaning to comment for a while about this.
My mother doesn't use to do hers but she now has 200,000 records in her family tree that she's put together over the last 2 years.
LOL it puts an internet guy to shame when the family tree you host as a favour to your mother on your server gets more hits than your commercial websites....
Hey Erin, STFU
(see video at 3.30)
How about you do some more research before you go off half cocked making an idiot of yourself.
Cubics click fraud post 3 (lol and last)
Cubics refunded our account the money from the 2nd click fraud and we got hit yet again last night at 1am with 89 hits in 1 hour.
Cubics is a joke and anyone spending money with them is almost certainly wasting their money. I'd like to help them out as they are just starting out and they seem like nice guys but.....
It also makes you wonder how much of our banner ad investment with Facebook and Google is also being ripped off (albeit from scammers who know to spread the clicks out over more than 1 hour).
The data stream you see below is all of the hits on our xmpp server and then laving in less than 10 seconds.
(1:09 AM) lccbot: A new visitor has just hit the landing page from host:
(1:17 AM) lccbot: A new visitor has just hit the landing page from host:
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There seems to be something fundamentally broken with the ad network and as much as i hope they get it fixed i guess the ball is in their court for now but either way we wont be advertising for or any of our other 14 sports sites for ever again.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
State Farm - Door
I'm not sure it comes through as well online but the first time i saw this commercial i was like wow how cute and romantic.
There is something very meaningful in this message.
Cubics banner ad results
To tell you the truth i was glad it was finally running out as i felt bad they were funding people/content providers somewhere in the world for fraud.
So in the interest of sharing i thought i'd share the results in case anyone is interested and open it up to discussion.
The results are pretty straight forward;
Spent $20 - had 883,911 text banners displayed in 15 Days.
Over the 15 days, 382 people clicked on the banners or approximately 1 in every 2,314 displays (in green).
Each banner cost me 2 thousands of a cent to display, or 0.02 cpm (in red).
Each click cost me 5 cents (in blue).
Now interestingly we charge $1 cpm to display ads on - so we will display 1,000 banner ads for $1.
That means;
1000 ads = $1.00
100 ads = $0.10
10 ads = $0.01
1 ads = $0.001
So if it cost me 5c to get someone to click to my site i need them to view 50 ads before i make a profit. As we rotate our ad every 60 seconds I need them to stay on the site approx 50 minutes (or for them to come back over a period of days for a total of 50 minutes before i start making money).
Any thoughts?
Comment Spam in blogs
If there's one dead horse that's not worth trotting out when it comes to Social Media, it is the one about "comments." Should you have comments on a Blog? The staple answer is, "yes. Always." But that tide may soon be turning...
My Answer below;
Feel free to delete comments from your blog as "obviously you are the smartest person in the world and have nothing to learn from anyone else in the world".
While you are at it - why not surgically remove your ears and ear drums (mmmm nice and quiet), that way your mouth will still be able to talk.... but you wont be forced to listen.
Betting on video games legal in 39 states
Should video gamers be allowed to bet real money on their gaming skills (or lack thereof)? thinks so and hopes to capitalize on the concept.
BringIt says that the service it provides is not a form of gambling because its outcomes are based on skill, not chance.
It's free to sign up, provided you are at least 18. The site makes money by taking a 10 percent cut from people's wagers and a $4 fee from winners when they withdraw their loot.Founder and CEO Woody Levin, 30, said most of the players on BringIt play for small amounts of money, $5 or $10...
BringIt supports the PlayStation 2, the PS3, the Xbox 360 and the Wii. Players challenge each other on the site, but play on their consoles. BringIt holds players' entry fees until the game is finished. After the game is done, it verifies the results and credits the winner, minus the service fee.
Ok so the Feds want to ban online poker gambling but betting who is the better fragger in Halo is ok?
Not being a gamer i haven't looked into how the application is working but i'm assuming it's reliant on Microsoft networks etc - wonder what their thoughts on this are?
I'm also curious if players closer to the servers are getting unfair advantages in response times etc.
I know there are a lot of players making a living in player offshore poker online - but can there really be a market for "Professional Fraggers"?
Monday, August 03, 2009
html designer/coder required for
The basic concept is a real time chat room is generated for each specific game eg for MLB 2009 we launched 2432 chat rooms.
The design we went with was implemented by an external developer from elance and whilst we are very happy with the results we got (and intend to use pretty much exactly the same format moving forward), we feel there could/should be a better way of working with a designer/developer who lives locally and is able to provide more heavy lifting with code.
If you are a designer who isn’t afraid of code and looking for an interesting project we are looking for someone to develop our next site
This will be a paid role initially with potential for equity if the project team gels on this next stage.
If you are located in NY send details and lets arrange to catch up for a coffee.
Dean Collins
Live Chat Concepts inc
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Cubics click fraud post 2
It appeared there was some click fraud issues when we had 198 hits in 1 hour on the 1st day.
I cant say thanks to Cubics enough, within 24 hours they had refunded the money and had made us right financially again.
Unfortunately the last 2 days we have been hit by the same issue again.
I've passed this information on to Cubics but even if they refund the money again i think i'll be passing on paying Cubics any more of my hard earned money in order to pay for our banners ads after this $20 test.
Day 2 - 59 fake clicks

Day 3 - 44 fake clicks

Can anyone recomend a good CPM based network for our sites apart from google that has solid payment reliability and they also sell ads spots at a reasonable rate?
For all of our direct advertisers we charge $1 cpm and I'm happy paying around about the same as long as it's not a bunch of robot clicks.
Any thoughts?