Thursday, July 26, 2007

Global Disparity

So some of you may, or may not know, that my dad also works in the IT space as well, though we come from very very different backgrounds in that he is an old school telco guy who for the last 20 years or so has work on some amazing projects all around the world often in third world countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia (though that's hardly 3rd world), but also in some middle eastern countries like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Lately he's been specialising in implementing GSM networks in greenfield sites and with my involvement in Voip and smart voice applications it's been an interesting dichotomy between our views (not that I have anywhere near his experience).

Currently he is in Sierra Leone as a turnaround CTO of a GSM carrier there.

When talking with him recently he commented that this carrier was still yet to even implement GPRS services and that it wasn't even on the radar.

As I look down at my $500 cingular 8525 - 3g handset with Windows mobile 5 push email, internet explorer browser and 2gb SD really have to wonder how fair is this?

And what can i do about it?

....or even a deeper question - Should (even if I could) do something about it or is this the way it is and always meant to be?

Any thoughts?



  1. I am writing a paper at school about this very topic. I am doing some research on this and it is certinaly a tough question. I will let you know how it turns out.

  2. cool, send me a link to your paper when you finish it so i can link it here.

