Friday, August 15, 2014

Murder is bad ok....but this is even creepier

Bravo is accused of kidnapping and strangling his friend Christian Aguilar in September 2012 after an argument. Aguilar disappeared on Sept. 20, and Bravo was charged with murder eight days later. The trial for the case began last week.

Defendant Pedro Bravo, right, has a discussion with defense team member J.D. Thomas during Bravo's murder trial at the Alachua County Criminal Justice Center, Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014, in Gainesville, Fla.

So lets be clear murder is bad ok....but this is even creepier  

"Records also show Bravo also used his iPhone's flashlight nine times the day Aguilar disappeared"

How, why, who provided the prosecution with this information and why is my cellphone even keeping a record of this???

Seriously, get the F out of my life and stop collecting data.....otherwise I might need a "swamp".

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