- https://www.facebook.com/groups/AustraliansInSanFrancisco/permalink/1995802234009757/?comment_id=1995861044003876&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D
lol if reading this article doesn't infuriate you.....then you don't understand the question.
US Pension transfer and withdrawal to Australia. 401(k), IRA, Roth IRA, 403(a), 403(b). Tax minimization - https://txmchartered.com/us-pension-transfers-to-australia-401k-ira-403a-403b-australian-tax-implications
My answer is lol....or John tells the ATO to GAGF and withdraws the entire sum BEFORE arriving in Australia and doesn't end up owing the ATO $83,632 on top of what he already paid the IRS.
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