Goran Markovski
1969 - 2006
You were a good friend. You will be missed.
I have just received a call from a friend of mine in Australia that a schoolhood friend of ours named Goran Markovski died in a car accident yesterday.
His car left the Appin Road at Picton in NSW at high speed, he died instantly on impact.
Goran and I walked home from high school each day for about 3 years, an accidental friendship of nothing more than time and geography.
I learnt a lot from him. A lot was discussed between us over those years.
There was a weird turn of events about 5 years later. Those of us who know us both well know what happened. We didn't really talk much after that, I moved away - he moved overseas, I moved back and got married and was busy with 'life'.
Years had gone past but if I saw him standing on the street tomorrow I would still count him as my friend.
Some of you know that I was back in Australia recently. I wasn't there for long. Just over a week and I was busy with friends and work appointments as I hadn't been home in 2 years.
Goran lived less than a 5 minute walk from my house.
I knew where he lived.
I knew from mutual friends that not everything was ok with Goran.
I knew he could use some help.
You'll read this and you'll do whatever it is that you were going to do. One piece of advice, pick up a phone and call someone, it's not important who.
Call someone who's not expecting it - call someone where things have been left unsaid.
Call them now. They wont be there tomorrow, and if they are there tomorrow - you might not be.
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