After the first winter which was awful (or was it just bad because it was our first?) we were dreading the second coming of winter last year, which to be honest turned out to be heaps of fun (photos of winter last year here ).
This year we thought we'd be smart and miss the snow by heading to Australia for 6 weeks for both work and holidays (ahh just cant get anything like Sydney beaches anywhere else in the world).
Mother nature played a trick on us in that this christmas it was warm and sunny in New York almost to the week we got back in late Jan. We almost felt ripped off that it hadn't snowed.
I was out walking Lou Lou this evening, grabbing some milk for breakfast in the morning and the first few flakes began to fall.
We ended up taking an extra long walk home just enjoying the feeling of lightly falling snow. Funny how quickly you can get used to things.

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