Friday, April 02, 2010

I've been contacted by a few people over the last 12 hours about embedding our chat functionality into their websites.

You cant "drop and drag" a piece of html code the way you can with a $400 flash chat application. You also cant do a lot of the functionality we have built with a $400 flash application either.

You can however iFrame into your current baseball fan site - all that we ask is that you make it large enough so our full chat panel and site title can be seen, i think your users would appreciate the largest setting your UI can allow for.

I've mocked up a sample at

Like i said in the last email, our desire isn't to do anything apart from live chat. We are not competing with anyones blogs or fan sites, our main focus isn't even really baseball.

We're also open to suggestions so if there is something you want to see on this site reach out to let me know and we'll add it to the dev list.

Dean Collins

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