Saturday, April 23, 2011

16:9 being put to use on 4:3 ads

Interesting, was watching Frasier tonight and noticed that someone finally came up with an idea of how to take advantage of the side of a 4:3 recorded tv commercial.

WeTV is running fixed panels for 2 of their other tv shows on the sides of any television commercial that is recorded in 4:3.

Obviously the show is recorded in 16:9 so they arent there then but i guess the same thing could happen in an older tv show recrded in 4:3 (they also dissapear for any modern television commercial that is recorded in 16:9 as well).

Interesting that no one else has done something like this before now.



  1. What Year Was This Commercial Recorded

  2. What Was The Phone Number In This Commercial

  3. What Was The Phone Number In This Commercial

  4. lol.... no idea considering it was over a decade ago that this Gerber baby insurance tv commercial was run :)

    But thanks for asking....i guess :)
