Saturday, August 18, 2007

Niagara Falls

So I finally went to Niagara Falls last weekend because my mother is in the USA travelling all over the place for the next 5 weeks and this was one of the places she wanted to visit that we had never thought of going, considering Jodie and I have been in the USA for the last 3 years and never been this was a good enough excuse.

Worth the trip - though seriously you only need a max of 2 days (and one of those can be a fly in/out day).

What was surprising was how hypnotic it was watching the water flow along and then just fall off gracefully. Apparently people throw themselves into the river and just float off to their death on a regular basis.

Lots of photos in the album at

We stayed at the Doubletree which was ok but seriously it's an epicurean wasteland up there so don't go looking for anything worthwhile to eat.

Would highly recommend the boat tour and the walk behind the falls apart from that - don't you think that having this 'water fall'

next to this one

that the irony is lost on most people?


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