Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Trixbox Pro

From Email:

You’ve been hearing about it for a while. And now it’s finally here. Introducing the next evolution of the trixbox product family: trixbox Pro.
What exactly is trixbox Pro, you ask? We’ll tell you…next Monday.
Sign up for the Webinar where we’ll show you trixbox Pro in action and all the possibilities it brings you. We can only accommodate the first 1000 trixboxers on the webinar so sign up today and call in early!
August 13 @ 9:00 AM PDT(16:00 UTC/GMT)
Link to signup

Hmmm This cant be good.

(For the non geeks in the room some definitions below )
Trixbox is an ISO compilation of Asterisk;
-An iso is like a package or version of installation.
-Asterisk is an opensource application for IP Telephony (go to for a 60 second overview).
-Trixbox owned by Fonality is totally separate to the owners of Asterisk which is Digium (and still very Pro-OpenSource and Free).

Trixbox was 'licensed' by Fonality recently and as I've been using this product since the very beginning when it was called Asterisk@home (well even before that when it wasn't even an ISO but just an installation guide for AMP .....but hey Andrew why let the truth get in the way of a good story).

This iso makes it very easy to install Asterisk and I couldn't have run my business for the last 4 years without it.... which is why Monday seems very ominous.

Not saying it's a bad thing everyone has the right to make a living but when you have 10 open positions on your job board you really are setting yourself up to be in a position that sponsorship or advertising revenue just isn't going to cut it any more.

Guess I'm off to download the latest version before it gets pulled from sourceforge.


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