Saturday, April 11, 2009

QR codes in the Australian Powerhouse Museum

Great article here about the use of QR codes in the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney

Some really good lessons about the realities of using QR codes and the real life issues you come across putting them into use.

As they found doing these things in house makes total sense and is totally possible to do on a small scale basis trials without large investments.

If you enjoyed that you might like to check out this post on lessons learned building the mobile website landing pages.



  1. BTW these are the comments i posted on the powerhouse museum blog.

    As i've been saying for a long time, "QR codes are the right mouse click for anything physical - want to know more just click".

    just a couple of quick comments below.

    1/ your decision to use your own urls is sound, i cant tell you how many times i've recommended not using a url redirection service from a third party, when you can do it yourself for free it doesn't make sense.

    2/ which leads me to the National Museum Wales comment - DONT!! use MS Tags, they offer absolutely no value apart from they are a pretty colour.... and you are also locked into Microsoft forever, eg if they decide to charge OR if they turn off the service you are screwed - this is not a religious OS debate (i'm a ms user) it just doesnt make commercial sense when qr codes are free and when used as above will last as long as you want them to be free.

    3/ I've been a long term Quickmark user (windows mobile) so good to see they finally have an iPhone reader (i haven't tested it)

    If you have any questions or want to read up more check out


  2. "I've been a long term Quickmark user (windows mobile) so good to see they finally have an iPhone reader (i haven't tested it)"

    and Quickmark teams release QR code reader API now. People can develope their applications via it. (Seems that API for iPhone will be released in Summer soon, too.)
