Check out some more here
So I actually took a few pictures of the various competitors but they all look pretty much the same....guys giving powerpoints about their new startups (and some well funded startups too with some excellent boards/management ex Google people etc).
So what these guys are doing is providing an infrastructure where you as a brand manager can go and select the amount of money you are willing to pay someone to blog about your product on a paid basis.
The average amount paid per post is between $3 to $20
So basically you have just spent a kazillion dollars in R&D to produce the latest titanium razors, spent a whole heap in wholesale education and delivery channels etc. Probably spent a boatload of advertising dollars in 'old school' media in print and tv campaigns.....and now you are going to pay someone $3 to write about your product in which you have no control over the content, tone, positioning or message.
In addition as a blogger what does this say about your reputation that you are willing to whore yourself out for $3.
This isn't like you have a long term sponsorship by dell to review their products or apple to use their laptops - this is a one off relationship that you are putting your name to....for $3-$20
Send me your address with a self stamped return envelope and I'll send you some spare change if you're that hard up.
They are looking to introduce a modular set of 'devices' that fit together and along with supporting software will allow you to create your own 'opensource hardware mashups'.
So the core 'base unit' is a fully programmable and "hackable" Linux computer, equipped with a fast CPU, 128MB RAM, built-in WiFi, rechargeable battery, USB, Ethernet, and a small LCD with button controls.
From there 4 additional modules can be added, gps, video camera, lcd display, accelerometer/motion sensor being the first 4 for release (though 81 have been mocked up so far).
The long term concept is if you want a 'weather station with live video feeds and gps location control you can add various modules together to deliver what you are looking to achieve.
I have high hopes for the concepts, and wish the guys well as it seems their hearts are in the right place.....though it's going to be a long (but interesting) road to travel.
We went to the baseball at Shea Stadium last night. I guess being New Yorkers we won being that the NY Mets beat the Houston Astro's 11 to 2 - yeh team :)
What was really interesting to us as outsiders were all the 'cute' little things that the whole crowd does as a group. Like in the 7th inning everyone stands up and stretches as a group and does the same stretch movement, and certain 5 second musical interludes kick off certain chants etc where everyone claps or snaps at the same time.Video after the link