Monday, September 17, 2007

Laurel Papworth - Online Communities - Australia and Global: Tom Ford sexually explicit ad campaign

Laurel Papworth - Online Communities - Australia and Global: Tom Ford sexually explicit ad campaign

Finally a brand that understands your target audience dont care about 'social rules' so why should you.

As I posted in this blog when your customer isn't Mrs Smith, 50, Petersham (gets 90% of her marketing from TV and the weekly local paper) then you dont really need to conform to her sense of sensebility.Having said that....I think that the Tom Ford campaign is a shitty example of this and poorly executed.

Whilst you'll get the 'views' (heck I even replayed it least :) - I dont see this translating into sales.... better luck next time guys.

Dean Collins


  1. I'm not sure. Do women or men buy that bottle? Women would see the ad as something for themselves - not a men's mag objectifying women, but women sexualising themselves. :) We have a lot of brand-love, brand loyalty to companies that "get" women and I think Tom Ford does.

    I just can't afford him. :P

    Incidentally, you are STILL off the Christmas list, Dean. *pouts*

  2. It shows how badly the advertisement fails.... I thought it was a mans fragrance and was targetted for men.

